
Find your .com Domain Name

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Why get a .com Domain Name?

You Got One?

More than 150 million .com domains have been registered. That makes .com the most popular domain extension by a significant margin.

Recognized Instantly

Because so many .com domains have been registered, .com for your brand creates instant trustworthiness and shows your visitor you’re an established business. The .com domain ending has been around since 1985 and was the very first public domain extension.

For Commercial Use

Originally designated for commercial businesses only (hence the .com), it’s now used by businesses, organizations, bloggers, and any other form of entity looking for an online presence.

Frequently Asked .com Questions

Who owns .com?
How much does a .com domain cost?
  • .com domains cost around $15-$20. Since we have to buy the domain from someone too, we charge a price which is on the low-end of the range.

    Just enough to cover our cost and make a small profit so we can buy coffee for our awesome support team.

Is a .com domain right for me?
  • .com domains are a great choice for many individuals and businesses alike.

    If you find a great name that you like, go register your .com domain now, or use SafetyNames’ convenient domain name spinner to give you some additional ideas.

What if my domain name is not available?
  • If your favorite name isn’t available anymore, because .com has been around for such a long time, check one of the other TLDs SafetyNames offers.

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